
About us

Perfection through passion

Welcome to Eddycam

A handful of dedicated, competent employees and two highly specialized companies

Our Finnish elk leather supplier manufactures, according to our specifications, particularly high-quality material. This elastic elk leather is designed for extreme loads in the photographic field. For the development and production of the EDDYCAM we could win the passionate musician Norbert Kölbl. He produces comfortable carrying systems for musical instruments, such as bassoon and saxophone, which can cost many times more than high-quality camera equipment. With Norbert Kölbl and Edlef Wienen, two special specialists were found. Both developed the first and only ergonomic camera strap made of elk leather. With the latest technology and craftsmanship, EDDYCAM is finely handcrafted in the Bavarian manufactory Kölbl Musical Accessories.

eddycam production


The idea behind the camera strap

Inspired by exclusive bags and fashion accessories made of elk leather

The knowledge of the needs of the most demanding photographers and the passion for exceptionally beautiful, durable natural products motivated Edlef Wienen to develop a new, absolutely reliable camera strap. Inspired by exclusive bags and fashion accessories made from elk leather, Wienen decided to use this high-quality natural material for camera straps too.

Thus, decades of experience, the finest Scandinavian elk leather, high-quality components Made in Germany and with a lot of heart EDDYCAM: the uniquely comfortable, robust camera strap with an unmistakable look – it accompanies quality-conscious photographers through thick and thin. A lifetime.


Real passion for aesthetics and nature

Details matter!

8-step EDDYCAM workflow

Step 1
Lagerung und Sortierung

Die rohen Elchhäute werden zunächst in Salz oder durch Trocknen konserviert und in Kühlräumen gelagert. Hier findet die erste Qualitätskontrolle und Sortierung statt.

Weichen, Äschern und Entgraten

Beim Einweichen werden die Häute von Schmutz und Salz gereinigt. Beim Äschern lösen Schwefelverbindungen und Kalk das Haar und schließlich werden Gewebereste mechanisch von der Haut entfernt.

Step 2
Step 3

Um ein gleichmäßig dickes Oberleder zu erhalten, wird es horizontal als Narbenspalt vom sogenannten Kernspalt und Fleischspalt getrennt.

Step 4
Beizen, Gerben und Neutralisieren

Durch das Pökeln werden die Häute für die eigentliche Gerbung vorbereitet. Die Gerbstoffe, meist Chromsalze in Elchfellen, dringen in die Haut ein, verwandeln sie in Leder und werden dann neutralisiert.

Welken, sortieren und falten

Das nasse Leder wird zunächst entwässert, nach einer weiteren Qualitätskontrolle erneut sortiert, beim Falten weiter in der Dicke egalisiert und von Unebenheiten befreit.

Step 5
Step 6
Färben, Füllen und Fetten

Je nach gewünschter Oberflächenoptik werden die Leder gefärbt und mit unterschiedlichen Farbstoffen gefüllt. Gezieltes Nachfetten macht das Leder weich.

Step 7
Trocknen und Stollen

Das Leder wird entweder im Vakuum, frei hängend oder in Trockenöfen auf ein Gestell gespannt getrocknet und anschließend mit Walkmaschinen weiter aufgeweicht.

Anpassen und prüfen

Nun erhält das Leder seine endgültige Farbe und Struktur. Durch eine spezielle Oberflächenbehandlung, mehrmaliges Färben, Bügeln oder Bügeln entsteht die gewünschte Optik. Nach einer abschließenden Qualitätskontrolle und Vermessung wird das Leder versendet.

Step 8
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next arrow


Elk leather is a high-quality natural product and is not only one of the thickest, but also one of the finest leathers in the world. It gets its incomparable elasticity from the special processing in a Finnish tannery specializing in elk leather.

The soft, skin-friendly surface, the ergonomic shape of the straps, an infinitely variable length adjustment and the solvent-free glued-on padding made of pure natural rubber ensure that EDDYCAM neither pulls nor pinches. Not on the neck, not on the shoulder – even after hours of wear.


EDDYCAM owes its extreme durability above all to the solid workmanship and resistance of the elk leather and all other product components.

Whether 5-fold connecting straps sewn with special thread (with a tensile strength of 4700 N), unbreakable stainless steel clamps for length adjustment or connecting elements made of robust PP material – only the consistently high quality of all components ensures the enormous resilience of the camera straps. And makes them virtually indestructible – even under the toughest climatic and operating conditions. We give a two-year guarantee.



Each EDDYCAM is unique. Because each piece of elk leather tells its own story. Small scratches are evidence of previous injuries to the animal, pressure marks of territorial fights and tiny scars from insect bites.
And because EDDYCAM was developed for individualists with very different preferences and needs, we offer the belts in over 100 designs
in 6 widths, suitable for all camera models.

eddy cam about us

Because for camera straps there is nothing better

elk leather

Elk leather is the perfect leather for camera straps: up to 1.8-2.0 mm thick, extremely durable and breathable. At the same time unsurpassed soft, pleasantly cuddly and warm in direct contact with the skin. The leather we use comes exclusively from Scandinavia, where wild elk are hunted in strictly controlled numbers, mainly for their meat. The hunting season begins with the Arctic winter, when the animals’ skin is thickest. Our Finnish partner selects only the best skins for further processing.

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